Saturday, 1 December 2012

Paint Party!

About a week ago I went out with my roomates, because they dragged me out. I really didn't want to go, I had just finished working 10 hours and wanted to go lay down in my bed and not move for the rest of the night. They would not let me do that, they nagged me until I finally gave in and went out with them. Our hostel usually has something going on every night, usually a different set of clubs or bars. This night there was a paint party going on at Empire, a club just accross the street from our hostel. It sounded intriguing, which was also part of the reason I went out, so a group of us headed over.
There was a large line up when we got there, almost everyone was in white or underwear, for some odd reason. The club is divided into three sections, the top floor, then the middle floor, where the paint party was and the main floor, where you just drink and sit at tables. So we started off on the top floor where we got a couple free drinks then headed down to the middle floor. It was crazy in there, like any other club, it had dance music on and was a bit dark except for some random flashing lights, but it also had this mist spreading through the whole area. The DJ was at the far back surrounded by plastic wrap, with a small stage in front of him where there were a couple girls with paint guns spraying the crowd. A small bar was at the entry way and as you walked towards the crowd of people dancing, which was basically a mosh pit, you could feel the humidity and the excitment of everyone around. So me and 3 other girls from the hostel, decided to swig our drinks back and dive right in. It was difficult trying to push our way through everyone, but we managed it, and we had a lot of fun, more fun then I've had since I've been here. The floor was absolutely slick with paint, which made it very hard to walk or dance, I was in fear of falling on my ass every minute, which actually happened at one point. We had made our way through the bodies to the front of the crowd, when we were dancing, my feet slid right out from under me and I crashed to the floor, taking out one of my roomates who landed right on top of me. It was quite the hilarious moment, we both burst out laughing and this guy behind me just scooped me up and put me back on my feet, like it was nothing.
Needless to say I was completely covered in paint after that.

Around 12:30 we decided to get some Mcdonalds and call it a night. When we got back to the hostel I immediately took a shower, my hair was so hard from all the paint I was afraid I would stab myself with it in the middle of the night. All-in-all it was an amazing night that I am glad I decided not to pass up on. Although one guy at one point did pinch my ass while we were dancing, but I was having such a good time I didn't care that much.
If your ever in Sydney and there is a paint party going on, GO!

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