Saturday, 29 December 2012

An unexpected tip..

I have recently started a new job, it is waitressing at a fine dinning restaurant on a wharf near my hostel here in Sydney. I have no experience what's-so-ever, so its a lot to learn, but let's hope I'm up to the challenge.
The weirdest thing happened to me last night while working at the restaurant. We were almost ready to close down, there was just one table left of two people, a man and a woman. I had just given them their change and the lady, who was a little drunk, started talking about how I should get the tip and how its horrible that we have to share it. I really didn't know what to say to her so I smiled and nodded along, then she grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. She proceeded to take the change I had given and shove it down my shirt, literally her whole hand was in my shirt, I guess that was her way of saying I should keep the tip.
This was quite the awkward and uncomfortable moment for me, and in situations like that, not that there have been many, I tend to laugh, becuase my body physically does not know what else to do. Then she pulled me closer and kissed me, luckily on the cheek. I backed away and remained stunned for the rest of the night, while other co-workers who had seen this event, were left shocked.
I then proceeded to try and fish out the money stuck in my bra, I couldn't actually find it all until I got home and undressed.
Just one eventful night among many on my travels.

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